Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Major Dwayne Williams ~ A Final Farewell

We should not mourn those who die,
instead we should thank God that they lived.

On September Eleventh, as part of the 2,996 project, I celebrated the life of Major Dwayne Williams who was killed at the Pentagon. We just made a trip to the east coast and went to Arlington Cemetery, where we paid a visit to his grave. It sits in the shadows of the Pentagon with the Pentagon Memorial and the graves of many of the people lost that day. They are buried together, just as they died. It was our opportunity to thank him for all that he gave to our country, and to remember all that was taken from us on that day.

The Pentagon Memorial for September Eleventh is in the shape of the Pentagon and engraved with the names of all who were taken that day - both in the building and on the airplane.

At the Memorial are reminders of the living who still grieve to this day ~ mementos and flowers. It is a very solemn place, far away from the crowds of tourists stomping through the cemetery. We walked for a long way to get there, and saw so much of the cemetery that no one ever does. There are incrdible monuments and memorials. It is humbling to say the least. Peaceful. Quiet. Respectful. It was an honor to do the walk and be able to give a silent tribute to the many who rest there.

Near the September Eleventh Memorial is the area being used for the fallen from Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of the graves had visitors, even more had flowers. It is an experience that will ever stay with us... the cost of war is so great, the losses personal and painful, and we have so much to thank them for. So when you smell the sweetness of freedom each day, remember who paid the cost for you.

Farewell and God Speed, Major Williams.

My tributes to Major Williams are in the September 2006 archives.

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